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About Us

  St. John's Lutheran Church of Thornton  is a member of Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  We are a community that welcomes all people in worship and service. Led by the Holy Spirit, we strive to love God, live God's word and care for all people.  Come and experience God right where you are!  

Our Community

We believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.  Scripture tells us - “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.”  When we serve, we meet Jesus and experience Jesus together in community.

What We Do

We have study groups and service opportunities that prompt us to encourage and build each other up as we grow, wonder and doubt in our faith.  We offer learning for all ages during worship services on Sundays.

Our Vision

"Living God’s love in Jesus Christ through word and deed. Connecting with God, each other and neighbors."


We're pleased to be worshiping together in person, as well as via live-stream. Masking and distancing is at your discretion. We ask that everyone be considerate of other people's preferences as well.


You can live-stream and participate in the worship service at 9:00 a.m. by clicking on the "Watch Live" at the top of the page. Do join us!

Bible Study and More!

We meet for Bible Studies every Sunday following worship service in the Fellowship Hall. If you have a suggestion for a study, please contact Pastor Wes at:

or 303-457-2476

Current Study:  Rapture & End Times
10:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall


Hate for others not like you is wrong and ugly!

Violence towards others is not Christlike and is unacceptable!

We stand WITH our Jewish and LGBTQ+ family and communities.


10:15am Sundays

about us...

Welcome to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. We are a member of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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11040 Colorado Blvd.
Thornton, CO 80233


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© 2020 by JKoCreative

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